Tuesday, August 17, 2010.
Just get lost lah Ehy, budak . Seriously eh i've had enough of your Shitty attitude lah
Perangai mcm nk kene smack lah luuu. i'm totally pissed of with you , Babi . Gye mampos ah sial There;'s ALWAYS a limit to my patients . Fuck off 6:08 AM Friday, June 25, 2010.
Friends:D ![]() Fuhhh:D , Look at all my Gay and les:P i freaking love thm lahhh , Thanks you zhouye and othrs:D Had a great time with you guys ! Herman , Kate nk blaja sakkk ! Urggghhhhh Sch is starting in 2 days time , still not prepared): Haiyyooo , i will miss waking up 2p.m in the morning lah seyhhh(: Jst hoping 1st day of school will be great . Raymond , you better come horr or else i'll burn yr class:D Thts all i guess . One love 6:00 AM Sunday, June 20, 2010.
Hair Cut): ![]()
Hahahha , Doin nothing at home is fun . But this few days , Yai sakit . So need to take care of him . Have to carry him to his wheelchair etc . So its tiring . Sleeping late in the morning . Urrrgghhhh txt her in the morning if i'm bored or alone . Blablablablablablablablablabla piss me off and i'll make eu a potato salad . So beat it losers ! Labels: you stupid dog 8:09 AM Saturday, June 5, 2010.
Update's Heeeey Asshole:D I am really bored . Busy each day . *sign Updating this blg fr the sake of my friends . Hhah . Especially iina ! She forced me ! Omgeeeeeeee ! She nearly killed me ! ZOMGGGGG ! She's Been a bad girl Gaga My spidey senses is tingling ! Awwwwww . BarkBarkBark MeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeow I am so random rite iina ? BOOOOMBBBOOOMCHAKKKKK ! Whatthehelliswrongwithme ? sorry people , I'm full with nonsense Teeeeeeeeeeeeheeeeeee(((((; Labels: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 6:02 AM Sunday, May 23, 2010.
That's okay with me (verse 1) (verse 2) (verse 3) 1:59 AM .
Untouch'able(: i miss you peoples(;
Sorry luhhh fr not updating . I'm a buzy person . Lawl(: Quick update ! 14 now(: So Yeahhh ! i'm a abang . Laugh out Loud ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(; 1:49 AM Monday, February 22, 2010.
Gilerrrrrrr(: i ♥ love eu bby:D Labels: madly in ♥ 5:48 AM
| Disclaimer. Exit is on the top right corner:D profile. Suhermanto Bin Sunaryo:D Love me ? Hate me ? Thats your problem:D Enjoy my blog(:
links. Shafiqah[!] YueLingKuKu♥ TristonXiaoXiao FarahBecyok[!] OneandTwo09♥ Ramzan:D XiaoFamily♥ AbgCilokkk:D Geni♥♥ JingYong:D EeqahhKBR IlahhPipi[!] JaiCockBlast(: UztazWannabe:D KhabyrTwin:D RiaNursyahira♥ AisyahMegaSmile
credits. picture by: alejandrogrande & tinypic. base codes by: owner. rewind. June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 August 2010